Friday, February 8, 2019

ESPN Magazine Target Audience Research

The most obvious similarity that Sailor Seasonal has with ESPN is they are both sports magazines. The most common form of advertising for ESPN magazine is on their television networks. This is extremely effective because their television audience has the same target audience as that of their magazine, because they are both sports orientated.
Image result for commercial for ESPN magazine
Another distribution technique ESPN Magazine uses is to include a "free" fleece with every new subscription. The most common phrase among the commercials is "for just a dollar a magazine".
Additionally, ESPN takes advantage of their 33.8 million followers on twitter, 18.8 million followers on their Facebook page, and 12 million followers on Instagram to reach a massive amount of people
The previous picture is an example of ESPN advertising on social media, in this case, Twitter. However, I do not believe that social media would be an effective ways to market my group's product. Because in order for it to be effective, an already established social media following is required in order for this form of marketing to be effective. 

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